
Software requirements

The diffpy.srxplanar requires Python 2.6 or 2.7 and the following software:

If your python version < 2.7 (these two packages are included in 2.7 but not in 2.6) * ordereddict ( * argparse (

On Ubuntu Linux the part of required software can be easily installed using the system package manager:

sudo aptitude install
python-setuptools python-numpy python-scipy

For Mac OS X machine with the MacPorts package manager one could do

sudo port install
python27 py27-setuptools py27-numpy py27-scipy

When installing with MacPorts, make sure the MacPorts bin directory is the first in the system PATH and that python27 is selected as the default Python version in MacPorts:

sudo port select –set python python27

For other Linux distributions use their respective package manager; note the packages may have slightly different names. diffpy.srxplanar should work on other Unix-like operating systems as well. Please, search the web for instructions how to install external dependencies on your particular system.

For other packages, please go to the webpage list above to download and install.

SrXplanar installation

To install the diffpy.srxplanar package:

python install

By default the files are installed in the system directories, which are usually only writeable by the root. See the usage info ”./ install –help” for options to install as a normal user under different location. Note that installation to non-standard directories may require adjustments to the PATH and PYTHONPATH environment variables.


diffpy.srxplanar is an open-source software developed at the Columbia University The diffpy.srxplanar sources are hosted at

Feel free to fork the project and contribute. To install diffpy.srxplanar in a development mode, where the sources are directly used by Python rather than copied to a system directory, use

python develop –user


[1]Python 3 is not supported yet.

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